30. 8. 2024 / ARCHIV ČLÁNKŮ / Zdroj: Plastics Europe

PVC4Cables and PVC4Pipes Conferences to address - Market Development Through Innovation

The European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers has the pleasure to invite all actors of the PVC cable and PVC pipe industries to attend the PVC4Cables and PVC4Pipes Conferences to be held respectively on 16 and 17 October 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. With the theme Market Development Through Innovation, both conferences will discuss trends and opportunities in both sectors, with a particular focus on sustainability and innovation.

On Day 1 (16 October), the PVC4Cables Conference will shed light on PVC cable market update at the European, Eastern European and international level; on the European regulations impacting PVC cables; and on PVC cable standards in Europe and other regions. Particular attention will be paid to fire behaviour and PVC cables performance in terms of flammability, smoke, smoke toxicity and acidity, as well as on the detection and separation of PVC cables with legacy additives and legacy additives extraction solutions for a safe recycling of cables. The full programme is available HERE.

On Day 2 (17 October), the PVC4Pipes Conference will present and discuss trends, opportunities and challenges for the sector: from market updates to European standardisation developments and efforts made to address sustainability challenges with PVC pipe networks. The conference will also feature topics such as how PVC pipe networks help to address sustainability challenges, the readiness of PVC pipes for the hydrogen economy and sustainable innovations along the PVC pipes value chain. The full programme is available HERE.

Participation to both conferences is free of charge, but online registration is required. You can register HERE.

About us

PVC4Cables is the platform dedicated to the PVC cables value chain. It brings together the producers of PVC resins, stabilisers and plasticisers, PVC compounders and cable producers and acts as a driver for environmentally responsible innovations in the PVC cables sector.


PVC4Pipes is the platform dedicated to the PVC pipes value chain, promoting the acceptance and utilisation of PVC in piping systems. It brings together PVC resin producers, pipe manufacturers, additive suppliers, downstream equipment manufacturers, associations, communications bodies and institutes.


For more information

PVC4Cables: Magdalena Garczyńska, Project Leader - magdalena.garczynska@plasticseurope.org

PVC4Pipes: Vincent Stone, Project Leader - vincent.stone@plasticseurope.org



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