5. 12. 2018 / ARCHIV ČLÁNKŮ / Zdroj: Ecomole

Prague Chemicals Management Cruise – reach conference 2018

Why you shouldn’t miss PCMC2018? You wil get updated on the latest news in EU and global chemicals regulations, meet experts from more than 10 different regions, including USA, EU, Russia, Balkans and more, and learn from real-life experience of others in round-table workshops.

Day 1: Networking cruise with lightning presentations from top regulatory experts

An afternoon full of short speeches on hot regulatory topics, followed by a networking dinner with a boat cruise through the heart of Prague.

All speeches will be simultaneously translated into Russian.

Let’s navigate together towards compliance!

Day 2: ConverStations – Experience-sharing round tables

Facilitated by no-one less than Peter Woodward – world class facilitator who will make sure we all go home full of new information shared with the others in the room.

We will take a close look at different topics and share practical experience in addressing some of the main challenges on the way towards regulatory compliance.

This is what makes PCMC more than just a regular conference.

ConverStations bring together representatives of industry, regulators, policy-makers and enforcement authorities as well as expert consultants who can all share their views and real-life experience in face-to-face discussions.

Who should attend?

Last year, PCMC was of particular interest to those working in the areas of:

  • Environment, health and safety
  • Business development, sales
  • Procurement, purchasing, sourcing
  • Supply chain management and auditing
  • R&D and product development
  • Corporate strategy and decision-making

Click here for more information and registration.


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Svaz chemického průmyslu
České republiky
Rubeška 393/7
190 00 Praha 9

IČ: 16193725
DIČ: CZ16193725

+420 283 290 786


Dobrovolné profesní sdružení podniků a institucí se vztahem k chemickému odvětví.
Spojte se zástupci svazu k osobnímu projednání atributů členství.

Telefon:+420 283 290 786