MT #12: Circular Agriculture and Packaging
The circular economy reshapes traditional practices in the agrifood, packaging, and connected sectors by establishing a closed-loop system that significantly minimises waste and environmental impact. This innovative approach capitalises on resource recovery, turning waste and by-products into valuable resources throughout the supply chain.
The focus is on sustainable resource utilisation, where agricultural by-products are creatively repurposed, and packaging materials are derived from renewable, biodegradable sources. In this transformation from “waste” to “valuable resource,” biorefineries are crucial, as they convert agricultural residues and other biological materials into value-added, bio-based products such as biofuels, bioplastics, and natural chemicals.
Packaging materials are now sourced from renewable, biodegradable resources, reinforcing a sustainable resource cycle. Additionally, intelligent and active packaging solutions extend product shelf life, enhance food safety, and improve resource efficiency. IT-enabled traceability systems enhance logistics transparency, enabling consumers and producers to track products from farm to table, ensuring quality and safety.
This approach is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting global climate goals, and promoting responsible consumption patterns, ultimately contributing to more sustainable and resilient food systems.
Svaz chemického průmyslu
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190 00 Praha 9
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+420 283 290 786