MT #10: CO2 as a source for Circular economy
The European Union places great emphasis on the circular economy as a key part of its strategy for sustainable development and decarbonisation. In terms of decarbonisation, this means creating a cycle of CO2 capture, subsequent use and re-capture. Few idustrial sectore are potential user: food industry, transport, chemical industry, constrution etc. (see picture below).
P2X (Power to Methane, Power to Methanol) via CO2 utilisation is one of the prefered option.
CO2 as a source of carbon for „green hydrocarbons“production
Carbon and hydrogen on a renewable basis should bring new solutions in an ecologically acceptable (when being economically attractive) future carbon-neutral production practice. The development in the area of cheaper H2 production should be complemented by sophisticated CCS and CCU processes and thus complete effective circulating production processes.
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